Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Jessica & Marc ~ Lovingly united

Meet Jessica and Marc... What a wonderful couple. They were my second wedding since my business opened. I came to realize that I have learnt a lot since Jessica and Marc's wedding. I still wanted to share the love these two felt for each other. I first met Jessica and Marc days before their wedding. They lived in BC and were flying in to small town, Vankleek Hill, days before their wedding. She beamed all day with a radiant smile and he did too. You could tell how much they loved each other just by looking at them. They welcomed me in, to celebrate with them, their special day. Thank you Jessica and Marc to have given me the opportunity of working on my portfolio with the two of you. I have learned a lot since, refine my work but your wedding is still engraved in my memory...

Looking for her groom before the ceremony! I was lucky to have captured this one :)

A mother's tears of joy for her son!

In Memoriam...

Boys will be boys!


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